Fight Gum Disease Through Periodontal Therapy in Prescott

Fight Gum Disease Through Periodontal Therapy in Prescott

As patients begin to age, their teeth can become more sensitive and more prone to cavities. To some people, tooth loss may seem normal when growing older, but in fact, it is often preventable. Through proper at-home cleanings, dental checkups, proper diet, and regular dental cleanings, patients should be less prone to experiencing long-term issues like tooth decay or loss. But sometimes tooth decay or loss or the development of gum disease or periodontal disease occur, and when they do, there are solutions. For those experiencing periodontal problems, our state-of-the-art technology at Hicks Dental Group makes us well-equipped to fight gum disease through periodontal therapy in Prescott.

What is Periodontal Therapy?

Periodontal Therapy is a type of dentistry that aims to restore the infected tissues in our gums to a healthy and strong state. There are numerous forms of periodontal therapy. When we meet with you in your dental appointment to discuss your needs, we take a look at your specific situation before determining the best therapy to use.

  1. Scaling (deep cleaning). Plaque and tartar are removed from the teeth to prevent any further buildup, and to help eliminate bacteria’s ability to move into the gums. This can often be done by an ultrasonic scaling tool to ensure the best removal of plaque and tartar. To read more about scaling and our ultrasonic scaling tool, click on this link and scroll down to click on the words Non Surgical Gum Treatment, located on the left side of the page.
  2. Periodontal Laser Treatment. With the use of special dental lasers, infected portions of the gum can be eliminated without causing too much discomfort, and with less chance of reducing the thickness of the gums.
  3. Gum Grafting. This process requires using healthy gum tissue from one part of the mouth and adding it to an area that was removed or infected, in order to help rebuild and restore the gums.
  4. Dental Implants. Even removing an existing tooth and replacing it with a surgical dental implant allows the dentist to clean out the damaged gums. Once the infection is removed and the new surgical implant is in place and healed, the health of the gums will be restored.

These are some current dental procedures used to deal with gum inflammation and periodontal disease, and to restore health to both the jawbone and to the gums. At Hicks Dental Group, it’s our desire provide you with the latest technological advances in oral care. Should your gums need attention, we’ll do our best to fight gum disease through periodontal therapy in Prescott. If you suspect you’ve got signs of gum disease, don’t wait to take care of it. Early detection is your greatest weapon. Feel free to call our offices and make an appointment.


Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (02/27/2025) Photo by Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash