Why Do I Need X-rays?

importance of dental x-rays

Why Do I Need X-rays?

There’s a couple facts that everyone should know before asking their dentists if there really necessary or not.

1.  You can see decay on an x-ray that isn’t always visible to the naked eye.
2.  Check for bone loss associated with gum disease.
3.  Infection in a tooth would be the apex, or the tip of the root.
4.  Just because your tooth doesn’t hurt, doesn’t mean there’s no cavity present.
5.  Teeth can change in a matter of month. Sometime days with trauma. So yes, we take x-rays at least once a year!

Your Prescott dentist has your best interest and wants to provide the best care possible! So let them!





Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (11/28/24).Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash.